Arguably the most important cards in Fate of Fantos, the Legacies act as a Citadel’s managers throughout the game by completing actions, activating abilities, and paying for Labor. Six races of beings live together on the planet, and the Legacy Deck is made up from an even selection of characters from all six, for a total of 48 Legacies. To start the game, every Citadel takes turns hiring 3 Legacies of their choice from the Legacy Pool, and they will get the chance to hire more at the end of their turns throughout the game. As a Citadel, you may either task your hired Legacies to a Fantos Action during your turn (using their Fantos Stats, as noted on the top left of the Legacy cards), or task them to their abilities during any Citadel’s turn. In order to task them to their abilities, they must meet the conditions noted in bold (tasking, spending, etc) during the phase specified by the Phase Condition noted on the bottom left of the Legacy cards. (A small number of Legacies possess “native” abilities that do not require tasking; these can be very helpful.) Make your Legacy hires thoughtfully, manage them well, and you will set your Citadel up to win the favor of Zodraz at the end of the game!
Here is a closer look at each of the Legacy cards (click on the images to view them larger):
As the planet’s indigenous race, the Feral existed in peace with Fantos for millennia. Iridium was mined out of necessity, not greed. When the Tempest opened and introduced the Cult to the planet, these newcomers saw weakness and opportunity. Shirazad, the queen of Fantos, sent her Vizier to broker an uneasy alliance with the Cult. Driven by greed and power, the Vizier betrayed his people, selling them to The Cult as Iridium-mining slaves. Over time, a deadly gas from the Iridium Fields blanketed the Feral Citadel. Those that survived faced horrible deformities and mutations.

Notes about the Feral Legacy Abilities:
Brigands – A Tribute has been selected, Shards have been paid, and the Brigands are drawn to the spoils. The Brigands’ ability may be activated by their Citadel during any Fantos Action Phase, if a Tribute action was completed during that phase, and if they are not already tasked.
Executioner – When the Executioner wins a Duel, the loser dies. This ability is only activated when the Executioner wins a Duel.
Freeman – Cancel any Harvest. The Freeman’s ability may be activated by his Citadel during any Fantos Action Phase, if Harvest is declared, and if he is not already tasked and can spend 1 Shard.
Gravedigger – Bury the Legacy Pool in uncertainty. The Gravedigger’s ability may be activated by his Citadel during any Secondary Actions Phase, if the he is not already tasked. The Gravedigger’s Citadel chooses how to rearrange the cards currently in the Legacy Pool, face down, and future hires of those cards will be “blind.” As hires are made, new additions to the Pool are placed face up, as normal.
Highwayman – Steal Labor from another Citadel. The Highwayman’s ability may be activated by his Citadel during any Secondary Actions Phase, if the he is not already tasked. The Highwayman’s Citadel chooses which Citadel to target.
Mercenaries – Bring extra Iridium strength to War. This ability is only activated when the Mercenaries’ Citadel tasks them to attack or defend in War.
Shirazad – The Feral remain faithful to their queen. Shirazad’s ability may be activated by her Citadel at any time, instantly, if she is not already tasked. You can use this ability to untask your own or another Citadel’s Feral cards, or both, depending on your strategy and which hired Legacies are currently tasked. (For instance, if another Citadel has tasked one or more Feral Legacies to an action, it can foil those plans since Legacies cannot be re-tasked to the same action.)
Vizier – A Vizier’s advice is very valuable. If the Vizier’s Shard currency is exhausted, he must be disabled by his Citadel. The Vizier’s Citadel may choose to revive him during its next Hiring Phase using Shards from its Reserve. (Another Legacy may also be hired as normal.) If the Citadel chooses not to revive the Vizier at that time, he must be discarded.
The Cult are clever reptilian creatures from another dimension. They came to the Savage Planet through a swirling whirlpool called the Tempest that created a one way portal from their world to Fantos. When they entered the portal they believed they were transcending, and when they came out they were reborn. Now they worship the Tempest and wish to possess all the Iridium on Fantos in order to share the glory with all.

Notes about the Cult Legacy Abilities:
Bailiff – Arrest a Legacy, with or without cause. The Bailiff’s ability may be activated by his Citadel at any time, instantly, if he is not already tasked and can spend 1 Shard. The Bailiff’s Citadel chooses which Legacy, from any Citadel, to target.
Bishop – The Bishop can sense another Legacy’s weakness. The Bishop’s ability may be activated by his Citadel during any Secondary Actions Phase, if he is not already tasked. The Bishop’s Citadel chooses which qualifying Legacy, from any Citadel, to target.
Countess – The Cult are beholden to their Countess. The Countess’ ability may be activated by her Citadel during any Secondary Actions Phase, if she is not already tasked. The Countess’ Citadel chooses which Cult Legacy, from any Citadel, to target.
Priestess – Legacies are seduced by blessings. The Priestess’ ability may be activated by her Citadel during any Secondary Actions Phase, if she is not already tasked. The Priestess’ Citadel chooses which Legacy, from any Citadel, to target.
Reeve – The best harvests require administration and leadership. The Reeve’s ability may be activated by his Citadel during any Fantos Action Phase to affect the Harvest score, if Harvest is declared, and if he is not already tasked.
Sheriff – A Reigning Tribute has been selected, and the Sheriff requires the payment of a bribe. The Sheriff’s ability may be activated by his Citadel during any Fantos Action Phase, if a Tribute action is completed during that phase, and if he is not already tasked. The Sheriff’s Citadel chooses which Legacy, from any Citadel, to target.
Spy – Gain inside information about Labor available to another Citadel. The Spy’s ability may be activated by his Citadel during any Secondary Actions Phase, if he is not already tasked. The Spy’s Citadel chooses which Citadel to target.
Villein – Drum up more help for a Citadel, or foil another Citadel’s plans. The Villein’s ability may be activated by his Citadel at any time, instantly, if he is not already tasked. The Villein’s Citadel chooses which higher-cost Legacy, from any Citadel, to target.
The Marked are a powerful race from a nearby planet. They did not come to Fantos by choice, but were kidnapped, branded, shackled, and enslaved by the Cult. The Cult’s plan was to have them work the Iridium fields for them, but on the journey back to Fantos, the Marked broke free and took over the ship. Not knowing how to pilot it, the Marked crashed into mountainous forest area of Fantos and have made their home there.

Notes about the Marked Legacy Abilities:
Apiarist – Bees help make a harvest more productive. This ability is only activated when the Apiarist’s Citadel tasks her to Harvest.
Beast Ward – Beasts bring additional strength to battle. This ability is only activated when the Beast Ward’s Citadel tasks him to attack or defend in War.
Blacksmith – Provide quality weapons for Marked soldiers. The Blacksmith’s ability may be activated by his Citadel during any Fantos Action Phase to affect the War score of other warring Marked Legacies, from any Citadel, if he is not already tasked.
Bowman – Repay the Bowman for the arrows used to help win a War. This ability is only activated when the Bowman’s Citadel tasks him to attack or defend in War, and his Citadel wins.
Chieftan – The leader of the Marked receives help during Tribute. This ability is only activated when Chieftan spends 1 Shard and is tasked to Tribute by his Citadel.
Gong Farmer – Make a sacrifice to pay for valuable Labor. Gong Farmer’s ability may activated by his Citadel at any time, instantly, if it chooses to discard him. (The ability does not take effect if the Gong Farmer is forced to be discarded by another Citadel or Legacy.)
Knight – The Knight is well-trained in the art of dueling. This ability is only activated when the Knight is involved in a Duel during any Secondary Actions Phase.
Quarryman – Gain extra defense from well-quarried stone. The Quarryman’s ability may be activated if his Citadel is attacked during War, if he is not already tasked.
The Enlightened do not know where they come from, nor do they know why they are living on Fantos. They have no memory of their past. What they do know is that they are not of the living or the dead. They are androids made in the form of elves, and they wish to find their creator. They are constantly searching for clues to their origin and believe their story is buried somewhere in the native history of Fantos.

Notes about the Enlightened Legacy Abilities:
Alchemist – Concoct an elemental potion to control another Citadel’s Fantos Action. The Alchemist’s ability may be activated by his Citadel during any Secondary Actions Phase, if he is not already tasked. (The targeted Citadel may decide not to take a Fantos Action at all.)
Chandler – Distract a weak Legacy with oil and candles to ward off the darkness. The Chandler’s ability may be activated by her Citadel at any time, instantly, if she is not already tasked. The Chandler’s Citadel chooses which lower-cost Legacy, from any Citadel, to target.
Chirurgeon – Bring a Legacy back to life with surgical magic. The Chirurgeon’s ability may be activated by his Citadel during any Secondary Actions Phase, if he is not already tasked.
Cook – Provide nourishment to your Legacies. The Cook’s ability may be activated by his Citadel during any Secondary Actions Phase, if he is not already tasked.
Marquis – Exert control over other Enlightened Legacies. The Marquis’ ability may be activated by his Citadel at any time, instantly, to foil other Citadels’ plans, if he not already tasked.
Sapper – Sacrifice the Sapper to commit an assassination. The Sapper’s ability may be activated by his Citadel during any Secondary Actions Phase, if it chooses to discard him. The Sapper’s Citadel chooses which Legacy, from any Citadel, that it will pay to discard. (The ability does not take effect if the Sapper is forced to be discarded by another Citadel or Legacy.)
Sperviter – The flying machine can make sneak attacks on other Citadels. The Sperviter’s ability may be activated by his Citadel during any Secondary Actions Phase, if he is not already tasked. The Sperviter’s Citadel chooses which Citadel to target, and the Shard(s) won are transferred from its Reserve.
Vintner – The Vintner distracts the Reigning Tribute with his potent wine. The Vintner’s ability may be activated by his Citadel at any time, instantly, if the he is not already tasked.
The Hollow are gaseous Iridium vampires who travel the cosmos sucking up Iridium gas wherever they find it. When they discovered Fantos and its Iridium mines, they made a home in the northern ice mazes. Most of the other races do not care much for the Hollow; they find them to be parasitic and untrustworthy.

Notes about the Hollow Legacy Abilities:
Apothecary – Sacrifice Apothecary to concoct a medicinal potion, restoring health to another Legacy. The Apothecary’s ability may be activated by his Citadel at any time, instantly, if it chooses to discard him. The Apothecary’s Citadel chooses which Legacy, from any Citadel, to restore. (The ability does not take effect if the Apothecary is forced to be discarded by another Citadel or Legacy.)
Arbalester – The powerful crossbow damages other Legacies from afar. The Arbalester’s ability may be activated by his Citadel during any Secondary Actions Phase, if he is not already tasked. The Arbalester’s Citadel chooses which Legacy, from any Citadel, to target.
Astrologers – By studying the movement of the celestial bodies, the Astrologers can predict the future. The Astrologers’ ability may be activated by their Citadel at any time, instantly, if they are not already tasked. The Astrologers’ Citadel decides which die roll, by any Citadel, to affect, before the roll takes place.
Baroness – The Baroness delights in watching Duels. The Baroness’ ability may be activated by her Citadel during any Secondary Actions Phase, if she is not already tasked, and if you have another untasked Legacy that can issue the challenge.
Colporteur – While traveling around Fantos selling books, the Colporteur often comes across valuable laborers discarded by their Citadels. The Colporteur’s ability may be activated by his Citadel during any Secondary Actions Phase, if he is not already tasked and can spend 1 Shard.
Diver – Well-practiced in pick-pocketing, the Diver is quick to target recently enriched Citadels. The Diver’s ability may be activated by his Citadel during any Fantos Action Phase, if a Harvest action was completed during that phase, and if he is not already tasked. The Shards are transferred from the harvesting Citadel’s Reserve.
Drayman – Tempt another Citadel to part with some of its Shards. The Drayman’s ability may be activated by his Citadel at any time, instantly, if he is not already tasked and can spend 1 Shard. The Drayman’s Citadel chooses which Citadel to target.
Mummers – Acting together, the Mummers lend aid to another Hollow Legacy. The Mummers’ ability may be activated by their Citadel at any time, instantly, if they are not already tasked. The Mummers’ Citadel chooses which Hollow Legacy, from any Citadel, to aid. Mummers cannot aid in Harvest.
The Overseers are protectors of the cosmos and are in service to the Cosmic Warden, Zodraz. Not much is known about them, but it is believed they were carved by Zodraz from the purest Iridium in all existence and were brought to life using the power harnessed from 1,000 black holes. Granted extraordinary capabilities such as flight and telekinesis, all of the Overseers possess unique abilities that range from weather control to telepathy.

Notes about the Overseers Legacy Abilities:
Astronomer – Knowledge of the universe aids the Overseers. The Astronomer’s ability may be activated by its Citadel during any Secondary Actions Phase, if the Astronomer is not already tasked and can spend 1 Shard.
Famulus – Aid comes in the form of the opportunity to complete an additional Fantos Action. Famulus’ ability may be activated by its Citadel during its Fantos Action Phase, if Famulus is not already tasked. Your Famulus may be sent, alone, to either War or Harvest (your choice) in addition to any other Fantos Action taken by your other Legacies during this turn.
Herzog – The ancient cosmic nobility of the Herzog allows it to mimic another Legacy’s ability. Herzog’s ability may be activated by its Citadel at any time, instantly, if Herzog is not already tasked and can spend 1 Shard. Herzog’s Citadel chooses which Legacy ability to copy, from any Citadel. The mirrored Legacy must be currently hired (not in the Legacy Deck, Pool, or discard pile), and it may be in either the tasked or untasked position (but not disabled). The mirroring of the ability is exact, so Herzog must act as the Legacy that is being copied. (For instance, if the ability requires spending and tasking, Herzog must spend the additional amount and be tasked to the ability.)
Merchant – Commerce negates a Citadel’s Labor. The Merchant’s ability may be activated by its Citadel during any Secondary Actions Phase, if the Merchant is not already tasked and can spend 1 Shard. The Merchant’s Citadel chooses which Citadel to target.
Navigator – An untasked Navigator helps its Citadel stay on course. This ability is only activated if the Navigator’s Citadel ends its turn with the Navigator untasked. (In other words, you may either try to keep your Navigator untasked throughout your Citadel’s entire turn, or you may play a card or ability that untasks it before your turn ends.)
Pioneer – War may not be aided by Labor if the Pioneer proclaims it to be so. The Pioneer’s ability may be activated by its Citadel during any Fantos Action Phase, if War is declared, and if the Pioneer is not already tasked. Any “attached” Labor that was paid for and attached during this War is affected, but if it was attached before the War started, it is unaffected.
Sacristan – Saving on Labor requires less sacred Iridium to be wasted. This ability is only activated when the Sacristan’s Citadel uses it to pay for Labor while untasked.
Troubadour – The Troubadour’s dulcet tones lull the cosmos into providing extra aid. The Troubador’s ability may be activated by its Citadel during any action or ability involving the Shard Die, instantly, if the Troubadour is not already tasked. The Troubadour’s Citadel decides which action, taken by any Citadel, to affect.